How to Make the Painkiller in a Jar

+ Other 249 Natural Remedies

How to Make the Painkiller in a Jar + Other 249 Natural Remedies

About Nicole

About Nicole

Dr. Nicole Apelian is an herbalist, a mother, a survival skills instructor, and a biologist.

An unexpected diagnosis of MS in 2000 led Nicole to apply her research skills towards her own personal wellness. She focused on a healthy living strategy, including deep nature connection and gratitude practices.

Through changes in her lifestyle, and using her own remedies, Nicole went from bedridden to being fully alive and from surviving to thriving.

She hasn’t taken a single MS drug in 20 years.

And in 2015 she was among the first women to be selected for the History Channel’s TV show Alone.

She then went on to survive for 57 days straight alone in the wild with little more than the plants that she found there.  

Natural remedies have offered her a second chance at life, and she believes that there are many more people who need to find their own remedy. This became her life’s mission and the main reason for writing this book.

In it, she poured over 30 years of plant knowledge and her first-hand experiences of making her own poultices, tinctures, decoctions, salves, syrups, infused oils, and other herbal remedies.

Here is What You Will Receive with

The Forgotten Home Apothecary

Here is What You Will Receive with Forgotten Home Apothecary

Unlike others, this book is very easy to use! The first thing you’ll see when you open the book is your new Apothecary. Here you’ll find all the 250 remedies, organized on shelves by specific ailments.

Each page of the appendix displays the remedies found inside the book, and the page you’re going to find it. There, you will find step-by-step instructions, color pictures, measurements and dosages.

Follow the step-by-step guide to prepare the remedy at home. This intuitive layout ensures you can quickly find and create effective remedies for various issues you might want to address.

Let’s say you caught a parasitic worm that you want to get rid of. You go to The Digestive System Shelf…and look for some recipes that will help deal with this. Anti-Parasitic Black Walnut sounds like a good idea!

As you can see here, you’ll find it on page 76. And here is the final remedy. It takes just 5 minutes to make.

Unlike others, this book is very easy to use! The first thing you’ll see when you open the book is your new Apothecary. Here you’ll find all the 250 remedies, organized on shelves by specific ailments.

Each page of the appendix displays the remedies found inside the book, and the page you’re going to find it. There, you will find step-by-step instructions, color pictures, measurements and dosages.

Follow the step-by-step guide to prepare the remedy at home. This intuitive layout ensures you can quickly find and create effective remedies for various issues you might want to address.

Let’s say you caught a parasitic worm that you want to get rid of. You go to The Digestive System Shelf…and look for some recipes that will help deal with this. Anti-Parasitic Black Walnut sounds like a good idea!

As you can see here, you’ll find it on page 76. And here is the final remedy. It takes just 5 minutes to make.

Here Are Just Some of the 250 Remedies

You Will Find in Your New Apothecary

Here Are Just Some of the 250 Remedies You Will Find in Your New Apothecary

Painkiller in a Jar

Painkiller in a Jar

We will make it from this common so-called weed that you’ve probably seen growing around your house. Wild lettuce contains a thick, milky white substance that looks similar to what is found inside opium poppies.

Because of that, it’s also become known as opium lettuce, but unlike poppies, this one has milder effects, is legal, and easy to find.

Mushroom Drops for MS

Mushroom Drops

for MS

Something else you’ll discover inside are the mushroom drops I personally take as part of the protocol I follow to manage my MS.

And to this day, I still use these drops.

Herbal Parasite Flush

Herbal Parasite Flush

If you’ve ever drank tap water, grabbed a doorknob, played with your cat or dog, or walked barefoot in the grass, there’s a good chance you already have this little creature inside you! This parasite can be the root cause of some of your health issues.

You need just three ingredients: papaya seeds, honey, and water. In one study published in the Journal of Medicinal Foods, 71.4% of children who were given a combination of dried papaya seeds and honey had their stool cleared of parasites.

Nature's Amoxicillin

Nature's Amoxicillin

This is not the substance they make in laboratories, but it’s probably the best natural remedy I know for strengthening your immune system to fight off bacteria and infections.

Memory Elixir

Memory Elixir

One of the plants we will need for this one is rosemary.

A study found that people working in a room with the aroma of rosemary achieved 5% to 7% better results in memory tests.

I even read it on a big news website… I think it was BBC … that was recommending “to smell rosemary for memory.”

Herbal Sleeping Pills

Herbal Sleeping Pills

In fact, let me show you how simple it is. You first blend into a fine powder dried valerian root, lavender, and passionflower.

Mix together one half of the powdered valerian with one quarter lavender and one quarter passion flower. Then place the mix in capsules like this. Take one of these 30 minutes before going to bed.

Heavy Metal Detoxifier

Heavy Metal Detoxifier

Even the dust that settles in our homes and that we inhale every day is rich in various metals. So how can you get rid of those heavy metals poisoning your bloodstream?

You do it through a process called chelation. This happens when another substance binds to them and drags them out through urine. Don’t be scared if your urine becomes red. That is a good indicator that the chelation is working and the metals are draining out of your body.

Medicinal Herbal Smoking Blend

Medicinal Herbal

Smoking Blend

Certain herbs release their medicinal properties when smoked, like this one right here. This is a mullein leaf, and I am sure you’ve seen it around your property as it grows freely everywhere.

Next time you see it, you can pick a few leaves and let them dry in the sun. I personally smoke mullein when I want to clear my lungs.

Jello Flu Shots

Jello Flu Shots

If you think this is your traditional flu shot, you’re wrong.

This concoction packs a powerful punch of immune-boosting ingredients.

It’s free of harmful chemicals, and it tastes so good that it may be the only medicine your kids want to have more of.

The Best Natural Probiotic

The Best

Natural Probiotic

If you have ever wondered what happens when you pour salt into a cabbage, this is exactly what you get: fermented cabbage juice—a powerful homemade probiotic for your gut.

Migraine Syrup

Migraine Syrup

Whenever you have a headache, just head on over to your apothecary and pour two to three drops of this remedy into a hot cup of tea.

This is made from three key plants that contain naturally occurring compounds called salicylates, which are similar to aspirin.

Grandma's Hot Salve

for Back Pain

Grandma's Hot Salve

for Back Pain

Have you ever woken up with a stiff back? This cream contains capsaicin, the active ingredient in chili peppers, and it’s surprisingly effective. Capsaicin has been shown to induce vasodilation, which is the widening of blood vessels.

This increased blood flow to the affected area will lubricate the back, loosening the back muscles and restoring their flexibility in a matter of minutes. So next time you wake up with back pain, go to your new apothecary and use this salve.

Penicillin Soup

Penicillin Soup

You know that moment when you catch a cold and have some hot soup? All of a sudden you feel better; your nose is no longer blocked, so you can breathe easier.

You suddenly feel better, your nose decongests, some of the aches and chills wash away, and you can breathe again. Well, this soup works in a very similar way, and on top of that, it also contains herbs and vitamins that help your immune system fight off the infection.

Herbal Fever Compress

Herbal Fever Compress

Did you know there’s a way to make a cooling compress from a plant that you probably thought was a weed this whole time?

This compress helps drain out the toxins while also cooling the area, and reducing the fever.

The Backyard Calming Pills

The Backyard

Calming Pills

You can make these from a plant that is illegal to grow but perfectly fine to harvest.

This remedy is completely legal, and it doesn’t contain opioid-like substances or anything like that.

Heating Pad for Sore Throats

Heating Pad

for Sore Throats

You just slice the potatoes and put them on the stove or in the microwave until hot.

Wrap them in a cloth, or put them in a sock. Then apply this to your neck and leave it in place for a few minutes; this stimulates circulation and works as a homemade heating pad. It’s a pain-free, chemical-free trick that even your kids can use! It takes less than three minutes, and I think you will love it!

The Bowel Balance Elixir

The Bowel Balance Elixir

They say most health problems come from your gut.

This herbal remedy contains mucilage, which forms a protective layer around your gut and blocks some of the inflammatory toxins we ingest while supporting regular bowel movements.

Vinegar Socks

Vinegar Socks

Whenever I caught a cold and was down with a fever, my grandma would simply soak a pair of my old socks in vinegar, put them on my feet, cover them in a protective sheet to prevent the bed from getting too smelly, and let me sleep one night in them.

Now maybe this particular one was not one of your childhood remedies, but I’m sure you’ll find some of them on these shelves.

Sedative for Panic Attacks

Sedative for

Panic Attacks

Ten out of eleven studies have proven that the inhalation of lavender oil can significantly reduce anxiety levels and panic attacks. That’s why I’ll show you how to make a portable lavender oil roll-on that you can have on you at all times.

Whenever you feel the first signs of a panic attack, just apply this to your wrists and take a whiff. This will help calm you down in just a few seconds.

Amish Cough Syrup

Amish Cough Syrup

This recipe is one of the many that are part of the secret behind the Amish people’s remarkable health.

This is an old-fashioned, homemade cough syrup that you can use to calm coughs, sore throats, and congestion. It’s very easy to make, and you only need five ingredients that you probably already have at home!

Thyroid Plaster

Thyroid Plaster

I make a poultice from several herbs and add some castor oil over it.

I smear it onto a bandage, apply it to my neck, and leave it on for two to three hours. I find it to be very effective!

Gum-Strengthening Mouthwash



It doesn’t just clean your teeth but it also includes minerals and essential herbal oils that support a healthy mouth microbiome.

Because yes, just like your gut, your mouth has its own microbiome that, once disrupted, can lead to a whole range of problems, including receding gums.

Restorative Liver Tea

Restorative Liver Tea

Eighty percent of people with fatty liver don’t know they have it. If you have ever felt tired without a particular reason, there is a good chance your liver needs your help.

I will show you how to make this recipe right now. To be honest, it doesn’t really matter if you read the book or not; this recipe is way too valuable, so I’m sharing it right now! It’s super easy to make, and you don’t even have to buy the plants!

That’s because they grow like weeds, and most people spray them with weedkillers. So go pick some dandelions, wash their roots thoroughly, and chop them into small pieces. Simmer these in water for a while. Steep for 10-15 minutes, strain, and enjoy your tea.

However, if you want an even stronger alternative, I recommend the Liver Detox Tincture. It’s made with alcohol instead of water as it extracts the medicinal properties of the plants much better than any other liquids. It also gives your new herbal medicine a shelf-life of over 7 years, unlike the tea which you should consume on the spot.

Mustard Plaster

Mustard Plaster

One way of fighting an infection is to raise your body’s temperature if you don’t already have a fever. This mustard plaster was widely used to decongest phlegm, clear the airways, and to increase circulation as a result of the heat that the mustard produces.

DO NOT APPLY the mustard paste DIRECTLY TO THE SKIN. It can irritate the skin and can become too hot. I’ll show you exactly how to prepare this plaster and apply it safely to the affected area.

The Antibiotic Restorative Cream

The Antibiotic

Restorative Cream

This ointment can last you a long time, and its ingredients are not expensive at all. In fact, you might have one of them in your pantry at home right now.

This can be a fitting alternative for those of you who want to live a more natural life or just to have a full stock of antiseptics if pharmacies ever run dry.

Hair-Growth Serum

Hair-Growth Serum

The key plant in this one is rosemary. They conducted a study on people with serious hair loss problems, comparing the effects of rosemary oil with minoxidil (the active ingredient in Rogaine).

And guess what happened? Rosemary, a plant you can get freely in nature or for next to nothing at the grocery store, had the same results as minoxidil, a pretty expensive, synthetic medication.

The Backyard Aspirin

The Backyard Aspirin

This is what used to be on the shelves of apothecaries before pharmacies took over.

Next time you see a willow tree, you can gather the freshly growing stems and bark and store them in a jar. If you want to feel the effects, chew these whenever you have a headache!

And even all of that is just the tip of the iceberg of what you’ll find inside the book. Here are 24 other remedies you’ll find inside this massive 288-page Apothecary:

+ 199 more natural remedies...

And even all of that is just the tip of the iceberg of what you’ll find inside the book. Here are 10 other remedies you’ll find inside this massive 288-page Apothecary:

+ 213 more natural remedies...

+ Four Life-Saving Gifts and 24/7 Assistance with Everything You Need

+ Four Life-Saving Gifts and 24/7 Assistance with Everything You Need

The first one you’ll receive is The Lost Skills of the Great Depression. Just like traditional home remedies were forgotten with the rise of modern pharmaceuticals so were many other skills of our grandparents and great-grandparents. It’s the skills of the Great Depression that will be in great need in the next economic crisis.

The only problem is that people don’t know them anymore. Among the many things you’ll discover inside this exclusive gift are the ”superweed” that saved communities during the Great Depression, the forgotten gardening techniques our grandparents used to grow food in less than three months, and the Great Depression foods we might be eating again soon, just to name a few.

The second gift you’ll get is Healing Yourself with Household Items.

Sometimes you don’t even need to make a natural remedy or go to the pharmacy since there are some quick fixes you can make using whatever you have in your house right now.

In this guide, you will discover how you can use duct tape for warts, honey for cuts, yogurt for yeast Infections, sugar for hiccups, Listerine for athlete’s foot, oatmeal for eczema, and many more.

My third gift to you is DIY Projects for a World Without Electricity.

If you want to live off the grid or survive a long-term blackout or an EMP, all you have to do is look at what people did 150 years ago, when there was no electricity.

Inside you’re going to discover information like the 100-year-old preservation method that will keep your food supply fresh without refrigeration, why you should bury a trash can in your backyard, how to make a rainwater catchment system to harvest enough water for two months, and how to make water out of thin air…just to name a few.

For the first few people who purchase The Forgotten Home Apothecary, I have a special surprise that will help you on your journey to health and wellness.

If you hurry, you’ll also receive my Herbal Medicine Video Collection.

Inside you’ll discover step-by-step recipes for my most requested and appreciated remedies from the book.

This way you can just follow along with me and create the remedies you need. We’re going to make them together. It will be fun, I promise you.

I printed The Forgotten Home Apothecary in a limited edition, with color pictures, containing 250+ remedies that can help you and your family.

Now you can find all the remedies you need for the ailments you are interested in in just one place.

Just scroll down and click on the button below to get your own copy.


Money-Back Guarantee


Money-Back Guarantee

After you receive your book, you will have a full 60 days to put it to good use and start managing your health naturally. If at any time during those 60 days, you are not COMPLETELY satisfied with your purchase, send us an email or message and we will refund you the price of the book. It’s as simple as that!

You can choose to keep the physical book, even if we refund you the $37.

Why You Should Get

The Forgotten Home Apothecary

Why You Should Get

The Forgotten Home Apothecary

You’ll Have Your Own Pharmacy At Home

The Forgotten Home Apothecary is the only complete herbal medicine book that covers the most important remedies that used to be made by our grandparents back when apothecaries hadn’t been replaced by pharmacies.

It lays the strongest foundation for someone who wants to recover all that forgotten knowledge that was killed by the rise of the pharmaceutical industry.

Your Childhood’s Forgotten Remedies - Unveiled

Inside, you’ll also find some of the remedies that might have helped you when you were a child: the remedies that your grandmother used to make when you were sick.

So even though she might not be by your side anymore, with this book, you can still recreate the remedies she made.

A Crisis-Proof Lifeline

As you probably know, in a crisis, the pharmacies are the first to get looted, and the hospitals the first to become overcrowded.

When you may not have access to modern medicine, this book can be your lifeline. With it, you’ll be able to create your own remedies for you, your family, and your close friends.

Money-Saving Medicine

With this book, you can save a good portion of the money you normally pay at the pharmacy. Prices are skyrocketing, and they don’t seem to be stopping anytime soon.

On the other hand, all the ingredients you need for the remedies in The Forgotten Home Apothecary can easily be gathered for free in nature or purchased at minimal costs.

Don't Wait and Take Control of Your Health Now

The best investment you can make has nothing to do with money. You’ll never regret investing in your and your family’s health. It’s sad that we only appreciate our health once it’s gone.

Do not wait for it to deteriorate to take care of it as one day it might just be too late! The remedy you are looking for might be waiting for you here on one of these shelves.